We’re starting to see an end in sight (knock on wood).
Employers are slowly bringing their people back to the office. While the shift differs from state to state, industry to industry, company to company, and role to role, one thing is happening across the board: employees have a lot of questions.
Do I have to come in?
Do I have to wear a mask? Does everyone else?
How will you protect me?
What are my personal rights when it comes to things like having my temperature taken by my employer?
HR organizations are under pressure to have the answers to all of these kind of questions at the ready. Before people can return to work, they have to have everything figured out. And it’s a lot of pressure, coupled with the fact that no one has done this before. For those looking for answers, SHRM is, as always, a fantastic resource.
I work with a lot of companies at Newcastle Associates starting to navigate this situation, and one thing I know for sure: we’ll all figure out best practices together, and hopefully emerge from this pandemic more prepared and wiser than ever before.